The Development of Higher Education in Globalization Era
Higher education is the most important coordinator of development and attainment of what is called globalization in the contemporary world. Higher education can match quality and quantity standards to labor market requirements. In line with current developments in the continued development of industries and technologies through digital expansion, the labor market is an area in continuous dynamics. Thus, Higher Education becomes the key to developing, harmonizing and upgrading education, regardless of the field through synergy with economic agents, companies and the mass of employers through the application of combined education programs: specialty study and digitization of skills and competencies of new graduates, but also the adaptation and training of citizens for the new workforce. The Erasmus Plus program has become a university management tool, through which higher education institutions can do internationalization at home and abroad, both internally and externally. Thanks to the Erasmus Program, the qualitative development on the labor market has increased considerably in recent years, and the expansion of skills and qualifications due to mobility at all levels of participant, student, teacher or administrative staff is expected. The quality of education is given and what is called the knowledge of another cultural environment in accordance with the new tendencies of globalization on the labor market and of Europeans, besides what is called Euro-travelers workers, which refers strictly to the category of workers. Encouraging and participating in university studies can be a guarantee of transformations and the development of the labor market [1] [7].
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