Optimization, Communication and Relationship in Teaching Process

  • Oana ATOMEI PhD student, “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania
Keywords: communication, education, teacher-student relationship


Communication is the core activity of the teacher-students, students-students groups. The teaching process requires the involvement of these socio-educational actors and continuous interaction between them. While the teacher provides information, the student builds his message on the basis of the information received, which, in part, will be returned to the teacher. In the teaching process, the student should provide feedback to the teacher to demonstrate that the message has been clearly perceived and understood and that communication purpose has been reached. In turn, the teacher should provide feedback to the student to show him that he answered according to the expectations, the answer was specific and not general. In schools, students are in a permanent process of interaction, relationship with other students or teaching staff. As a result, new situations that arise through ignorance, lack of communication or an inadequate approach can lead to an installation of complex (inferiority or superiority), inhibitions etc., that hamper the development of a harmonious, balanced and assertive personality. One can overcome the internal obstacles (emotion, misperception, global approaches, stereotypes, lack of basic knowledge) through an efficient relationship in the teaching process which emphasises teacher’s permanent adaptation to a situation or context which has to be known and controlled for an efficient educational process.


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How to Cite
ATOMEI, O. (2017). Optimization, Communication and Relationship in Teaching Process. LUMEN Proceedings, 2, 15-24. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumproc.icsed2017.2